What to do about a Chipped Tooth

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The enamel layer of your teeth is made up of densely packed microscopic mineral crystals that are very strong and durable. Unfortunately, there are still times where something like a blow to the face, chewing on ice or hard candy can cause a chip in the enamel layer of a tooth. If one of your teeth is chipped or suffers a small fracture, you should call us at 301.663.9484 to address the problem as soon as possible.

A sharp or persistent pain in a chipped tooth, is usually a sign that damage extends into the sensitive interior of the tooth. This might require a root canal to restore the damaged internal structures before replacing the enamel of the tooth with a crown.

Even if a chip doesn’t expose the internal structures of the tooth you should still have our dentist examine it. The damaged surface of the enamel could encourage future tooth decay. Sometimes the problem can be addressed with a simple filling. A significant chip might need to be restored with a crown. If you have multiple teeth in your smile with minor chips, you might want to ask Dr. Danny H. Dinh about dental veneers.

Once the chipped tooth has been addressed your dentist might recommend a basic fluoride treatment or fluoride supplements to strengthen the remaining enamel and prevent tooth decay.

If you have one of more chipped teeth that you would like to have addressed, please feel free to call us at 301.663.9484 to schedule an appointment.